AHHHHHHH…..Spring is in the Air!!

The sun is shining, the birds are chirping and flowers are budding.  I love this time of the year, everything is fresh and new. The ideas are following for spring and summer sewing.  First up is a dress for Easter.

But wait, what about the trouser jeans?  My trouser jeans are almost complete.  I just need to sew the waistband and hem.

But there is a little issue. I didn’t get enough fabric to line my waistband.  I found this pretty cotton for my pockets and I was not thinking about the waistband when I made the purchase. Unfortunately, the fabric store is not close to me nor do they have mail order.  So, I’m deciding whether to just use a plain navy cotton , turquoise cotton or another print with similar colors.  While I’m deciding, thought I would get started on my dress for Easter.

I’m working on V8995 in a turquoise linen from my stash. I’m just about finished with the adjustments. A FBA, adding an inch to the hips and a sway back adjustment were in order. Hopefully, this evening I will be able to start the muslin.

Well, until next time………..keep sewing!!!!!


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