The March Report

Where is the time going? I can’t believe that it’s April already. I didn’t get as much sewing done as I would have liked, but something is better than nothing.

On my last post, I was working on a pair of charcoal pair of pants. I did finish them, but I do not have a photo’s of them.  There wasn’t anything special about them.  I used the same pattern in my other pants post.

I had a conference to attend last month.  My goal was to pack light, so I figured a black sheath, cardigan and jacket. So, I pulled out OOP B5147 and some black tropical wool from my stash.  This is the same pattern that I used for my red linen dress from last summer. The only adjustments I made was to cut it smaller in the neck area and pegged the bottom a little more.

As you know I have begun exploring the world of lingerie sewing. I’m still planning to resume my bra project. But last month I made a pair of lady shorts (I like better than boy shorts). I purchased a book titled Bare Essential Underwear. This book is on construction and pattern drafting lingerie. It also provides basic patterns in the back.  The focus is on different variations of lady shorts and briefs. For example, there is a chapter on basic lady shorts. Then the next chapter is how to make the lady shorts with no side seam. Another on how to make them in all lace, etc. My goal is to make each variation in the book. 

For my first pair,I went scrap diving and came up with these lady shorts. Scraps from a rayon knit dress from last year, I had black cotton Lycra and black picot trim in my stash.  I didn’t have to make any adjustments.  The fit is perfect.  Truth be told, they are the most comfortable pair I own.  For the construction I used my serger.  I only used my sewing machine for the 3 step zigzag around the edges of the waist and legs.

Well, I didn’t finish my white blouse in time for the contest.  But I am currently working on it this week.  Hopefully I will have it complete by early next week.  Do you have a project that seems like it’s taking forever to complete? You find yourself picking it up then putting it down to make something else? Well, this is my situation with my white blouse. But I’m determined to get it complete.
Lastly, I hired another creative assistant. She came highly recommended.  I hired both of her cousins and I’m very satisfied with their performance. Her name is Brother Coverstitch 2340.  Affectionately called girlfriend for now.

Lastly again, this didn’t happen last month. I replaced my sewing table last December. My previous configuration was the combination of two Ikea tables to create a L-configuration. The issue was that I kept hitting my knee when I went to use my serger.  Also, there wasn’t enough space for another machine. Okay the bottom line, I didn’t like it anymore.  So I upgraded to Ikea’s galant collection.  This collection is design for business offices and comes with a 10yr warranty. I love it!!!!! With this configuration, I’m only a couple of steps from my cutting table.  That is major for me. I have plenty of table space and my creative assistants have their own place on the table.

Well, that all for my March report. 
Until next time……keep sewing


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