Happy Belated New Year Everyone!!! The new year is here and I’m feeling grateful, rested and rejuvenated. I hope your holidays were filled with love, peace and joy. I spent my holiday time off napping, doing a little making and spending time with friends and family. Of course I had a laundry list of things I wanted to accomplish, but my body and mind said rest!!! Sometimes I have to be reminded that mental rest is just as important as physical rest.
Last year, I seriously lacked consistently with my blog. I even thought about discontinuing my blog. But after talking with friends, I was encouraged to keep going. My problem I make all these big goals for my blog, get overwhelmed and then nothing happens. I will start small this year, one blog a month. So, January 2020 blog is a recap of my 2019 makes.
Let’s start with sewing. Last year my sewing mojo was very low. However, I managed to complete a wrapped dress, a hoodie and a sleeveless blouse. There were a few UFO’s, that need to stay UFO’s until I decide how to recycle the fabric. 😊
V8896 V1620 V8951 (OOP)
I gravitated more to my knitting in 2019. As much as I love to sew, knitting it what gives me a sense of calm. Last year I experienced tragedy and new life. My knitting is what gave me solace.
I attended a color work class at my LYS. I knitted Brooklyn Tweed Lucerne. I also signed up for season 4 of the Shawl Society by Helen Stewart (Curioushandmade) Now, I knew I had no intentions of completing all 6 shawls, but I like Helen’s designs. I did manage to complete the first shawl. (I still need to block it) Then my beautiful niece arrived. How could I not knit her something? But, I felt somewhat guilty because I never knitted anything for nephew who’s 30. So, I knitted something for both of them. All the details to my knits are on my Ravelry project page.
Lucerne Sea Gleam Shawl In Threes: Baby Cardigan and Bankhead Hat
Ahhh…..the garden. I didn’t share much on Instagram about my garden. But, I’m quite happy with the produce I grew last year. I have fresh varieties of garlic and onions. We enjoyed fresh herbs, different varieties of tomatoes, peppers, lettuces, spinach and carrots. I didn’t have much success with french beans and broccoli. Discovered, I planted both of them too late. I also accepted that I will have to share my tomatoes with the thuggish squirrels in neighborhood.
In the latter part of 2019, I started a pair of socks, a beaded hat and my first winter coat. I’ll share the details in my next post. 😊 My goal is to have them completed by end of January. My hat is done. My coat will be finished this week. My socks will be next month.
Lollipop Self Stripping Yarn Sparkling Cider Hat B4665 (OOP)
Well that’s a wrap on 2019. I’m still working on my sewing and knitting plans for 2020. My garden plan for this year is complete. I will be sharing more soon.
Until Next Time…………Keep creating what makes you happy!!!!